
NACC News & Resources

Must-Attend Programs

I hope you all had a wonderful holiday season and that you are ready to take in the New Year!  At the Chamber we are so excited to kick off this new year with some great programs for our Members: January 20, 2021 from 11:00am – 12:30pm our Small Business Owners Committee will be discussingContinue reading

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| NACC News & Resources


I am sure I am not alone when I say that I am so ready to usher 2020 out the door and welcome in a new and hopefully much brighter year.  The NACC has had to pivot in more ways than one and my conversations with Members had changed drastically over this year.  I haveContinue reading

| NACC News & Resources

Shop Small Business Saturday & Shop Chamber

The holidays are just around the corner and we have officially entered the holiday crunch time.  Whether you are buying gifts for your loved ones this year or just donating to a great cause, I want to remind you of the importance this year to Shop Small Business Saturday on November 28th.  We all knowContinue reading

| NACC News & Resources

Member-to-Member Offers

Thinking about doing your Holiday shopping and want to see what other Members are offering? There is a little hidden gem on our website – that, if you have attended a Member Success Orientation lately you know all about.  I want to share the secret with all of you!  When logged into your Member Info Hub youContinue reading

| NACC News & Resources

Call for NACC Board Nominees

The Chamber Board is accepting nominations for candidates for the 2021-2024 Board term.  We are specifically looking for people who have shown a dedication to getting involved in the Chamber, and are willing to work hard for the Naperville Area community.  If you are interested in becoming a NACC Board Member, or know someone thatContinue reading

| NACC News & Resources

Summer’s Closing

It’s that time of the year again! Summer is winding down which means that the NACC is gearing up to release our 2021 Community & Business Resource Guide.  There are a few things we need from our Members to make sure that everything we print is up to date and accurate.  Here is what weContinue reading

| NACC News & Resources

Stay with Us.

We know these times have been hard. More than hard. We are all being challenged emotionally, mentally, financially… We’ve faced differing opinions, fear, and more obstacles than any of us planned for. We’ve also witnessed kindness, strength, solidarity and an uprising of amazing community pride.    And, your Naperville Area Chamber of Commerce has been thereContinue reading

| NACC News & Resources

We Decided to Brush the Dust Off of our Membership Plans

Happy New Year! The NACC just started a new fiscal year starting July 1st and I have never been happier to leave 2020 behind!  With the “new year” we have decided to brush the dust off of our membership plans and make the benefits more relevant to what our Members need.   GROW Our Grow Members areContinue reading

| NACC News & Resources

Ready, Set, Re-Open!

It seems that our area is on track to begin Phase 4 near the 26th of June – which means that many businesses that are still closed (or open with limited capacity) may see a little more of a return to normalcy.  The Chamber would love to help you celebrate your re-opening and for some re-imaginingContinue reading

| NACC News & Resources

Statement on Diversity, Equity & Inclusion

The Naperville Area Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors and Staff stand united with business and community leaders in denouncing racism and promoting a more equitable future.  The crescendo of high-profile, racially charged incidents over the past year, both locally and nationally, has left many members of our community enraged, confused, and dejected.  Today weContinue reading