
NACC News & Resources

We Decided to Brush the Dust Off of our Membership Plans

Happy New Year! The NACC just started a new fiscal year starting July 1st and I have never been happier to leave 2020 behind!  With the “new year” we have decided to brush the dust off of our membership plans and make the benefits more relevant to what our Members need.   GROW Our Grow Members areContinue reading

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| NACC News & Resources

Ready, Set, Re-Open!

It seems that our area is on track to begin Phase 4 near the 26th of June – which means that many businesses that are still closed (or open with limited capacity) may see a little more of a return to normalcy.  The Chamber would love to help you celebrate your re-opening and for some re-imaginingContinue reading

| NACC News & Resources

Statement on Diversity, Equity & Inclusion

The Naperville Area Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors and Staff stand united with business and community leaders in denouncing racism and promoting a more equitable future.  The crescendo of high-profile, racially charged incidents over the past year, both locally and nationally, has left many members of our community enraged, confused, and dejected.  Today weContinue reading

| NACC News & Resources

NACC Responds to Getting Back-to-Business

After over 250 responses from the reopening survey open we conducted with our area business community May 11-18th – we have compiled the results. There was a high demand for resources to support you as you reopen – and we answered by creating a custom Back-to-Business Tool Kit for reopening (included below or for quickContinue reading

| NACC News & Resources

NACC Supports Plan to Reopen

Full Support for Choose DuPage’s Proposed Plan to Safely & Gradually Reopen Businesses On Tuesday May 19, the Naperville Area Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors voted to approve the below statement: Along with the DuPage Mayors and Managers Conference, led by their president, Steve Chirico, and the Downtown Naperville Alliance, the Naperville Area ChamberContinue reading

| NACC News & Resources

Maximize Your Membership: Virtual Member Success Orientation

Wow, a lot has changed over the past couple of months!  Not only in the world around us but right here at the NACC.  We have launched a new website, prepared over 50 virtual programs, rolled out an updated Member Infohub for our Members, and started a hugely successful Naperville Helps! Program among so manyContinue reading

| NACC News & Resources

COVID-19 Impact Survey

The NACC actively advocates on behalf of the business community.  Our collective voice is both coveted and influential in shaping policy at the local, state and federal level.  From the early days of the COVID-19 crisis many elected officials reached out to us wanting to know the needs of our Chamber Members.  We were ableContinue reading

| NACC News & Resources

The NACC is asking YOU to Pay It FORWARD.

Before we can get back to our new “Business-As-Usual” we need bold ideas to bridge the gap. As your Chamber of Commerce, a not-for-profit membership-based organization – we understand your financial constraints. NACC has been faced with difficult decisions of our own, and we know that these are uncertain times. We’ve reached out to aContinue reading

| NACC News & Resources

How to Help the Chamber (and other Members)

We belong to such an amazing and giving community.  I know this because every time I meet with a Member to see how I can help them, they inevitably ask how they can help me at the Chamber.  As we continue to Business Forward at the Chamber and continue to be a resource to ourContinue reading

| NACC News & Resources

Help Edward-Elmhurst Health Workers Stay Safe

COVID-19 is placing significant pressure on Edward-Elmhurst Health’s ability to keep stock of personal protective equipment (PPE) appropriate to the role and the risk of front line staff.  They have placed a call for donations of PPE, and if they are not able to use donated items – they will be connecting those goods toContinue reading

Call for PPE