
President’s Corner

Making the Most of Business Conversation

I’m currently listening to Dare to Lead by Brené Brown. Although I always take away great nuggets from her work, one recently stood out and struck me as particularly brilliant, “Be clear, be kind. Be unclear, be unkind.”  Although I had to process the statement to fully grasp the concept, once I did, I thought about theContinue reading

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| President's Corner

Reenergizing Your Business Without Losing It

This month, I celebrate 5 years at the Naperville Area Chamber of Commerce, a 112-year-old organization. Some regard this chamber as an institution, while others view it as an “old” organization with fading relevance.  I know this because shortly after taking the position, that was the feedback I received. So how do you reenergize and rethink anContinue reading

| President's Corner

Failure Sucks but Instructs!

For those of you that are Chicago Bears fans, this past Sunday was a heart breaker for sure. With little time left in the game, Cody Parkey hit the uprights and the Bears lost the game.  My family was furious.  They yelled at Cody, aka the television, begging the Bears to get rid of him as heContinue reading