Full Support for Choose DuPage’s Proposed Plan to Safely & Gradually Reopen Businesses
On Tuesday May 19, the Naperville Area Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors voted to approve the below statement:
Along with the DuPage Mayors and Managers Conference, led by their president, Steve Chirico, and the Downtown Naperville Alliance, the Naperville Area Chamber of Commerce fully supports Choose DuPage’s proposed plan for safely and gradually reopening businesses in DuPage County. Under the state-imposed restrictions, DuPage County and Naperville are aggregated with other areas, such as Chicago, but yet we have experienced a lower rate and declining number of COVID-19 cases. Choose DuPage’s plan is grounded in downward trajectories of new COVID-19 cases, sufficient healthcare system capacity to treat any cases, and applies only to businesses that can plan, develop and implement the appropriate safety procedures to protect their employees and customers. The plan provides a gradual, four-phase opening plan with limitations on the number of patrons permitted in each location. This approach protects the safety of our community, while at the same time, allows local businesses to reopen in a responsible way so they can avoid going out of business permanently. We need to reopen – safely, but time is of the essence. We urgently call on all local business owners, their supporters, and community members to call your elected state officials and ask that Naperville and the surrounding area be decoupled from Cook County, be allowed local control, and be allowed to adopt the Choose DuPage guidelines for reopening.
Naperville Area Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors
Additional Resources to Support the Gradual & Safe Reopen:
Read the full outline to open safely and gradually at Choose DuPage: https://www.choosedupage.com/open-dupage/
Use your voice and reach out to local and State elected officials: https://www.naperville.net/your-advocate/take-action/
Illinois reopening guidelines for all business verticals: https://www2.illinois.gov/dceo/Pages/RestoreILP3.aspx